Decopatch in Centroartesano and in the world!
Live the experience of discovering decoupage, with Decopatch products, in our Centro Artesano store. We advise you and explain how to obtain the best results. It is a unique experience with your children, or with yourself. Renew your house, recycle, and turn whatever you want into something fun and unique.
As a simple idea it becomes great entertainment for many. The story begins in 1993, when in a small garage in the heart of Lyon (in France): an old-style cupboard was covered in dust until the owner wanted to renovate it, and thought of sticking colored paper on it. And then a great idea was born!
An incredibly thin and strong sheet of Décopatch paper, some glue, a brush and that's all you need.
A fun way to give old, damaged or faded objects another life. The success was immediate in France and he began to be more and more famous. Décopatch was not limited to the personalization of objects, but gradually began a series of trends that are presented thanks to two annual collections.
With more than 20 years of experience, Décopatch has acquired the trust of the most important members of the craft sector: Culture, Loisirs & Création, Zôdio in France, Hobbycraft in England, Club in Belgium, Centro Artesano in Spain... Enjoying With a strong notoriety throughout the world, today Décopatch is established in more than 60 different countries.
The secret ? Unlimited creativity and high quality!
Décopatch offers a wide variety of products: 600 papier mâché objects, 300 different papers and approximately 200 new products every year! An incredible selection of colors, patterns and shapes; to satisfy any taste... and any budget! And Centro Artesano brings them all to you. If we do not physically have them in the store, we will send them to you in a reasonable time since we often order directly from the factory.
Brimming with imagination, the Décopatch team closely follows real trends and invents the styles of tomorrow. Born in the suburb of Lyon, the company controls the entire production process: from the creation of marketing to the commercialization of the products, including the manufacture of the paper. Since 2004, Décopatch has belonged to the Clairefontaine group. The experience of this international group has allowed Décopatch to reinforce the quality of its products, all of which are meticulously tested. Thanks to this quality control, Décopatch is the current market leader.
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